Poor sleep does not only affect the mental and development of your child but it can be linked to other concerns such as depression and ADHD.
Research shows that sleep issues can take up to 5 years to resolve themselves. I can guide you through step by step techniques and methods your comfortable using to ensure your baby is getting the rest he or she needs.
While all parents experience some form of sleeplessness, prolonged insomnia despite exhaustion is one of the many symptoms of postpartum depression, anxiety, OCD, and the other postpartum mood and anxiety disorders.
Because no two babies are the same I will create a customized sleep plan created for your baby. A plan that not only works with your schedule but will follow any beliefs and ensures your as comfortable as possible the whole way through.
I will be there to provide ongoing support, celebrate victories and help you with any setbacks along the way.
Learning healthy sleep habits will benefit your child a lifetime. As children go through milestones, setbacks, and regressions I offer ongoing support and packages that can help you get through these as gentle as possible.